New attack scenarios, videos, and more!

It's hard to believe it’s already been two months since we launched our first LIVE ROPS-RT1 course! We are immensely grateful to everyone who has supported Rogue Labs by attending our classes or following along on our journey. Today, we’re thrilled to announce some exciting updates designed to further enhance the student training experience and better prepare individuals for the ROPS-RT1 certification test.

New ROPS-RT1 Sister Lab: Generate Inc

We’ve introduced a brand-new lab scenario called Generate Inc.

Generate Inc is a company specializing in software development for digital art, who recently acquired Trident, a firm focused on AI and machine learning. However, the integration process has introduced potential vulnerabilities that need to be assessed. Students will evaluate the security measures protecting sensitive datasets used by Trident’s AI software to ensure they are not compromised.

This lab features a fresh scenario narrative, new domains, users, and groups. It’s designed to challenge students to apply the techniques learned in class, in new innovative ways.

It is now available to all Rogue Arena subscribers.

Scenario Viewer

Our scenarios and ROPS certification tests now feature a “scenario view” in our curriculum viewer. This view allows students to complete tasks, obtain keys, and use those keys to unlock the next task in the scenario.

With this enhancement, students can immerse themselves in our scenarios filled with twists and turns, watching the narrative and events unfold as they unlock each new clue and key!

Multiple Course Curriculum

We’ve recently added an “All Courses” button to our curriculum viewer widget.

This feature lets students open and work through a scenario in the new scenario view while also accessing all digital course content from ROPS-RT1.

This is perfect if a student wants to grab that Rubeus pass the ticket pastable while also working through the newest Generate Inc scenario.

Video Support in Curriculum Viewer

We’re excited to announce that we just launched video content in our curriculum viewer! Students can enter specific chapters of a course and watch relevant lab video demonstrations or lectures.

This feature is currently in beta, so please let us know if you experience any issues. We’re planning to enhance this in the future with fully built-out video pages, subtitle support, stream quality selection, bookmark functions, and more so stay tuned.

ROPS-RT1 Walkthrough Videos

We’ve also uploaded a ROPS-RT1 “full walkthrough” video series. This is a video demonstration (complete with Red Team logging) walking through our entire ROPS-RT1 Red Team attack scenario. Perfect for students doing final exam preparation for the ROPS-RT1 certification.

These videos are now available at the bottom of the ROPS-RT1 curriculum in the curriculum viewer under “Video Walkthrough.”

Various Bug Fixes

We’ve also deployed several bug fixes to improve the Rogue Arena experience, including:

  • Keyboard and numlock virtual machine fixes

  • Improved responsiveness of webpage navigation

  • General performance enhancements and stability improvements

Thank you to everyone following our journey and being a part of the Rogue Arena community.

We’re committed to continuously improving our platform to provide the best training experience possible. Stay tuned for more updates, and happy hacking!


ROPS-RT1 Self-led & Rogue arena updates!